oberon Property Valuations

exactly what happened with that  advertised dollar and then and then  secondly it just becomes part of your  overall advertising of effort meaning  there’s interaction with your ad with  your website and through google google  analytics adwords reporting you can pull  it all together and show with happening  so that that’s our take on adwords and  kind

of using that as a important tool  in your oberon Property Valuations marketing mix yeah I think we’re  I think we’re ready to pull that trigger  again that we definitely found it  limiting before previously so I’m  excited about talking about that and it  is one of those things where you having  somebody who is experienced at it I’ve  seen studies where people who are doing  it on their own just aren’t taking  advantage of it because it is such a  robust tool so there’s there’s a lot  that’s available in terms

of what it can  do especially from you know retargeting  to your website visitors and in making  that ad work harder for you generating  cheaper clicks this is a perfect example  of why Jeff’s expertise is invaluable  things that we may have heard some blood  work was worth about rebranding  retargeting but we we know the buzzwords  and we can kind of we do a little bit of  research and come up with some ideas but  we have nowhere near the working  knowledge that somebody who does this  day in day out with you know several  clients in a company who

does this with  dozens if not hundreds of clients has  that much more fine-tuned and refined  sense of what to actually do to make it  work hey guys we’ve got a good questions  that that has come in from Sally  dillehay and she’s asking for myopia  acceleration

  how would you suggest targeting or mark  or marketing to parents on that topic to  gain new patients I guess of course you  know in the office you need to talk to  it talk about it with every myopic  child’s parent you have to have  brochures that are customized for your  practice print it up and it’s good to  have you know a landing page